Whether that be creating Hellgrowths or infecting the atmosphere, making it poisonous), Immortality (Type 7 Demons are frequently referred to as mortally challenged and are referred as an army of the undead) | Same as before to a higher degree plus Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 2), Immortality (Type 2 and 4), Corruption (Corrupted the Maykr Drones), passive Reality Warping (The Icon's presence warps reality, breakdown of spacetime of our dimension merely by existing within it), Summoning, Accelerated Development (Type: Other The longer the Icon of Sin is on earth, the stronger he will become), Energy Manipulation, Hellfire Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, and Black Hole Creation. This can lead to many destructive events, all of which benefit them on conquering worlds. The demons with their presence bring their reality with them, "hellifying" the environment. The first will have you breaking the boss' armor, while the second will have you finally killing the Icon of Sin. This boss fight will be comprised of two parts. Summoning, Large Size (Type 2), Reality Warping (Passive. The Icon of Sin is the boss for Mission 13, Final Sin.

In Doom Eternal, it is born from the tortured spirit of the Betrayer's son and a Titan before Maykr augmentation. Although only its head is visible, the endgame text indicates that the entity has a gigantic body as well. In Doom 2, it appears as a massive, goat-like biomechanical head on a wall, with a surgically exposed brain that allows it to spawn endless scores of demons. Red (Doom Eternal), white (Doom 2) The Icon of Sin is the final boss and is encountered in Doom 2 and Doom Eternal.